Legendary Heroes and Turning of the Ages with Elizabeth Locey

When she was just a child, Elizabeth Locey often daydreamed looking up at the stars, and realized very early that this existence is the dream, and the reality is up there in the sky. To keep her parents happy, however, she ended up following the family tradition and became a award-winning professor of French and Women’s Studies.

She played by the rule book until one day, she took a sharp right turn and did the unthinkable…she dropped her tenure and quit her guaranteed-salary-for-life job. With one click of the “send” button, she went from being a socially sanctioned Wise Woman as an academic and scholar, to picking up her staff as a spiritual teacher/channel/healer, and has never looked back.

Watch this interview for a fascinating conversation about the turning of the ages, the return of the legendary mythic heroes, and the path to fully embodying your sacred gifts here on Earth.

More About Elizabeth Locey
Elizabeth Locey is a Way-Shower, Oracle, and Crystal Priestess. She helps women and select men from around the world to overcome the obstacles they’ve placed in their path and embody their Mythic Greatness. A prominent entrepreneur recently said of Elizabeth: “as an Oracle, she shines when guiding people through their darkest fears into Love.” Indeed, the very first answer she received from her own Akashic Records in 2008 was “You are a Truth Teller with capital T’s. And when you sing your Truth Song, imprisoned angels are set free.”

If you are at a crossroads and looking for soul-driven answers, working in your Akashic Records with Elizabeth may be the perfect solution. Be warned: getting access to your Soul Truth, and healing fears + self-sabotage can become addictive!

Her most recent work specializes in helping people to connect with and then EMBODY their Legendary Selves. This means letting go of all of the self-sabotage resulting from a not-good- enough story (probably at the origin it was a too-muchness story), and living your Mythic nature with no apologies and no excuses!

This work is especially important for Lightworkers who feel they must apologize for their sacred gifts by not charging enough or hiding. This is not the lifetime in which you’ll be killed for your using your divine gifts in public. It’s the lifetime in which you’ve decided to come shift how consciousness is DONE on Planet Earth. It’s the lifetime in which your mission is to help tip our world’s energy frequency into LOVE at this turning of the Age. It’s time for the Legendary Heroes and Heroines to awaken and pick up their sacred tools!

Connect with Elizabeth Locey:  Web   LinkedIn   Facebook   Twitter


Your Guide to Soul Nectar
I love mentoring women to rewrite the story of their lives through inner transformation, connection to essence, remembrance of purpose, and realignment to authenticity and truth.

If you don’t want to settle for anything less than a life of passion and purpose, I have a gift for you: a free copy of my new book, Reinvent Yourself: Indulge Your Deepest Desires By Becoming Who You Are Starving To Be! This book shares the secrets to reinvent yourself in 3 Steps!

Soul Guide. Award-Winning Author. Speaker. Mentor.

READ an Excerpt from the Award-Winning memoir, Awakening To Me.

Claiming the Gold in Your Story with Kim O’Neill

Her friends kept telling her she was self-sabotaging, but Kim O’Neill didn’t see it until a friendship breakup left her devastated and ready to look into her shadows. What she found there was a vulnerable truth of the impact of not having her father in her life.

Once Kim reclaimed her power by understanding her dynamics and patterns, and experienced the freedom of witnessing and letting go, she was hooked into a life of self-exploration.  She now helps clients face their own hidden blocks and uncover the gold within their challenges.

Watch this interview for an insightful discussion about the importance of claiming your story without identifying with it, and harvesting the gold in every challenge to become an unstoppable force of positive energy in the world.

More About Kim O’Neill

Kim O’Neill is a speaker, trainer, author, empowerment coach and internet radio host with heart. She speaks on the infinite possibilities every new day holds; how to move beyond life challenges; and how to confidently stand in your awesomeness with an open heart, limitless mind and grounded body. She often works with youth, job-seekers and adults who struggle to understand the value of who they innately are, guiding them to rediscover and reclaim their inner truth. Kim is both ICF certified and certified as a Law of Attraction Coach, and therefore takes a combined practical and metaphysical approach in her work. Her clients develop renewed self-confidence; increased positive self talk; the ability to see their past with fresh eyes and release old wounds; and learn how to say YES to themselves so they can experience more joy and fulfillment. This empowers them to connect with their whole self so they have a stable foundation from which to spring forward. In 2017, Kim co-authored the first edition of Positive Minded People: Inspiring Stories of Overcoming Adversity for Living a More Positive Life. Kim is also a Reiki Master Practitioner, Infinite Possibilities Trainer, youth mentor and Host of the “Every Day is a New Day” show on BBSRadio.com.

Connect with Kim:  Web  LinkedIn  Facebook   Twitter

Your Guide to Soul Nectar
I love mentoring women to rewrite the story of their lives through inner transformation, connection to essence, remembrance of purpose, and realignment to authenticity and truth.

If you don’t want to settle for anything less than a life of passion and purpose, I have a gift for you: a free copy of my new book, Reinvent Yourself: Indulge Your Deepest Desires By Becoming Who You Are Starving To Be! This book shares the secrets to reinvent yourself in 3 Steps!

Soul Guide. Award-Winning Author. Speaker. Mentor.

READ an Excerpt from the Award-Winning memoir, Awakening To Me.

Imagination and the Subconscious with Amanda Elo’esh

The first memory that Amanda Elo’Esh has of her life is choosing her birth family BEFORE she was born. This amazing gift of knowing her eternal self while she has been alive has gifted her the ability to get past third-dimensional reality and explore the experience of being separate, while retaining full awareness of being part of Source.

Through the challenges in her life, Amanda learned the power of the subconscious and of the imagination for manifesting life experiences. She courageously stepped into the unknown of her subconscious to heal herself, and created miracles of transformation in the jungle through sacred plant medicine ceremonies.

Watch this interview for a fascinating journey into the unknowable with tales of time travel, mystical experiences, and subconscious repatterning.

More About Amanda Elo’Esh
Amanda Elo’esh Johnsen, M.A. is San Francisco’s Leading Spiritual Mentor For Conscious Entrepreneurs, Helping You Reach Your Goals Through Spiritual Awakening. She’s author of “Unlock Your Success Code: Subconscious Success Repatterning,” “Go Ask Alice Oracle,” and the forthcoming book “Sexual Bliss Through Good Housekeeping: The Extraordinary Woman’s Guide To Having It ALL!” She’s an international speaker and teacher, educated and initiated as a Counseling Psychologist, Expressive Arts Therapist, Integrative Medicine Practitioner, Ordained Priestess and Shamanic Healer. She’s shared her wisdom with thousands in over 20 countries, including Auroville India, the Prana Festival in New Zealand, California Institute for Integral Studies, and Google.

For over 30 years, she’s dedicated herself to research and study of the subconscious and its untapped and infinite potential. She is the founder of the Living Wisdom School, Steward of The Center for Living Wisdom, and & Minister for Medicine Path Native American Church. She is an expert in helping Professional Women and Men to break through the limiting subconscious fears that are holding them back from their full potential in business, relationships and wellness.

Connect with Amanda Elo’Esh:  Web   LinkedIn   Facebook


Your Guide to Soul Nectar
I love mentoring women to rewrite the story of their lives through inner transformation, connection to essence, remembrance of purpose, and realignment to authenticity and truth.

If you don’t want to settle for anything less than a life of passion and purpose, I have a gift for you: a free copy of my new book, Reinvent Yourself: Indulge Your Deepest Desires By Becoming Who You Are Starving To Be! This book shares the secrets to reinvent yourself in 3 Steps!

Soul Guide. Award-Winning Author. Speaker. Mentor.

READ an Excerpt from the Award-Winning memoir, Awakening To Me.

Play in The Age of Celebration with Swami Tirtha

Swami Tirtha dreamed for over a decade that his parents would die before he was grown up; the dream brought him closer and closer to that moment until he had a waking moment of his parents death; and a short while after this vision, his parents died in an accident. He could have gotten lost in misery, but instead Swami found meditation which opened a door to magical possibilities that led him to the Himalayas and India and Amazon Rainforest to study with gurus and shamans.

What he discovered in his journey was a natural ability to channel Spirit, and an innate knowing that he is always provided for so that he can be of service to the world. Known as the Orange Cowboy and the Master of Joy, Swami is here to usher in the Age of Celebration by teaching us that the work of today is to PLAY. When faced with naysayers, Swami laughs, points to his chest full of Crazy Badges, and says “You can be happy or you can be right.”

Watch this interview for an humorous and delightful discussion about the shift of the planet and how we can invite blessings for ourselves.

More About Swami Tirtha

Swami is the #1 bestselling author of The Ayurveda Encyclopedia and has been teaching meditation for 4+ decades. As a teen, both his parents were tragically killed in a car accident. He transcended this adversity in profound ways through discovering the light within.

He presented to the White House alternative medicine commission and to international medical schools including Johns Hopkins. Swami was recognized as a monk by his guru in the Himalayas in 1990, and was recognized as a natural-born shaman and healer by shamans in the Amazon Rainforest. He was also born with intuitive/mediumship gifts.

Swami’s life mission is to help others realize their dreams and live in joy and celebration they deserve, to create peace in our world. His first screenplay is being made into a Hollywood movie — a comedy about listening to your heart and trusting to be yourself around others.

Connect with Swamy:  Web  LinkedIn  Facebook   Twitter   Instagram   YouTube

Your Guide to Soul Nectar
I love mentoring women to rewrite the story of their lives through inner transformation, connection to essence, remembrance of purpose, and realignment to authenticity and truth.

If you don’t want to settle for anything less than a life of passion and purpose, I have a gift for you: a free copy of my new book, Reinvent Yourself: Indulge Your Deepest Desires By Becoming Who You Are Starving To Be! This book shares the secrets to reinvent yourself in 3 Steps!

Soul Guide. Award-Winning Author. Speaker. Mentor.

READ an Excerpt from the Award-Winning memoir, Awakening To Me.

Summer of Global Peace with MarBeth Dunn

Marbeth Dunn believes that meditating for 7 minutes a day can bring peace to our world. She believes in the power of positive thinking, gratitude, and visualization to manifest a new dream for the planet.

Marbeth says she created this experiment because she believes that everyone’s energy united in peace and love will bring the world to a better path of health and freedom. She has been a spiritual teacher for over 25 years, integrating energy healing, spiritual principals, empowerment training, mind expansion, and yoga to help highly sensitive, empathic professionals manage their energy so they can live happy, peaceful, prosperous lives.

Watch this interview for an inspiring discussion about manifesting peace on the planet.


Join the Summer of Global Peace!


More About Marbeth Dunn

MarBeth Dunn is a mindset, success, and energy management specialist who helps highly-sensitive women professionals to create personal and economic miracles. A spiritual teacher for over 30 years, MarBeth uses her intuitive abilities to accurately pinpoint the hidden issues holding you back from your greatest successes. Known as the Mindset & Miracles Mentor, MarBeth Dunn has a huge mission; to bring peace to the world.

MarBeth is the co-author of the International Best Seller, “Start Right Marketing,” and Best Seller, “Conversations That Make a Difference.” She is the former host of Having it All with MarBeth on the Law of Attraction Radio Network, and Founder and past President of the Miami Holistic Chamber of Commerce.

Her inspiring work has been featured on several television networks, including FOX, NBC, CBS, and WEYW 19, Key West, where she is a frequent guest.

Connect with Marbeth:  Web  LinkedIn  Facebook   Twitter


Your Guide to Soul Nectar
I love mentoring women to rewrite the story of their lives through inner transformation, connection to essence, remembrance of purpose, and realignment to authenticity and truth.

If you don’t want to settle for anything less than a life of passion and purpose, I have a gift for you: a free copy of my new book, Reinvent Yourself: Indulge Your Deepest Desires By Becoming Who You Are Starving To Be! This book shares the secrets to reinvent yourself in 3 Steps!

Soul Guide. Award-Winning Author. Speaker. Mentor.

READ an Excerpt from the Award-Winning memoir, Awakening To Me.

Habits of Hope with Jeff Caliguire

Jeff Caliguire began in a competitive type-A family with high expectations of being the football quarterback and attending an Ivy League college. That led to him being spiritually impressive as the senior pastor of Beacon Community Church. But it was all a performance. It didn’t give him the true deep meaning he desired.

He finally asked the question, “What does it mean as a spiritual leader that I don’t weep with those who weep?” Once he realized he was disconnected from the true heart of being in spiritual service, he reversed directions to show up in service to others…to serve and love whoever is in the room with his gifts.

Watch this interview for plenty of insights into connecting to your heart, passion and purpose and showing up with presence and love.

Read The Habits of Hope


More About Jeff Caliguire

JEFF CALIGUIRE is an author, professional keynote speaker, leadership, purpose and business coach, financial wealth advisor, and entrepreneur. After experiencing seasons of depression and dissatisfaction, Jeff discovered the deeper education of the soul and the intentional extraction of one’s God-given gifts, passions, and deeper purpose for work, leadership, and life.

Jeff has served as senior pastor of Beacon Community Church and president of Operation Beacon Street in Boston. He is the author of 5 published books, including Leadership Secrets of Saint Paul and Unlocking Your Convergence Point and his newest, The Habits of Hope: Self-Leadership Strategies to Unleash Your Bigger Purpose. He currently owns his own financial advisor firm, Convergence Point Wealth Advisors. Jeff lives in Louisville, Colorado, with his wife Mindy and three sons, Jeff, Jon, and Josh.

He blogs regularly on life, leadership and meaningful business at www.JeffCaliguire.com and www.TheHabitsofHope.com

Connect with Jeff:  Web  LinkedIn  Facebook   Twitter


Your Guide to Soul Nectar
I love mentoring women to rewrite the story of their lives through inner transformation, connection to essence, remembrance of purpose, and realignment to authenticity and truth.

If you don’t want to settle for anything less than a life of passion and purpose, I have a gift for you: a free copy of my new book, Reinvent Yourself: Indulge Your Deepest Desires By Becoming Who You Are Starving To Be! This book shares the secrets to reinvent yourself in 3 Steps!

Soul Guide. Award-Winning Author. Speaker. Mentor.

READ an Excerpt from the Award-Winning memoir, Awakening To Me.

Two Magicians Compare Notes with Tom Evans

Tom Evans began his life as a successful joyful caterpillar working in high tech, leading a company when he was only 25 and solving engineering problems for broadcasters. By the time he was 30, he had made his first million. But after he sold his next company in his mid-40s, he realized he was burned out.

Then he entered the chrysalis stage of his life. He wrote an unexpected book as a favor, and that led to the next phase of his life as an author and mentor. He wrote many books and recorded meditations to go with them over the next 10 years. Until….an earth angel gifted him a set of DVDs about metaphysics that opened Tom up to a whole new fascinating journey as a meditation teacher. Now in the butterfly stage of his life, Tom enjoys the unfolding journey of awakening and exploring the various aspects of consciousness.

Watch this interview for a compelling discussion between two magicians about the nature of time, manifestation, flow, inspiration, creativity, and the evolution of consciousness.

More About Tom Evans

Tom Evans is an author, host of The Zone Show podcast, and the creator of Living Timefully, the world’s first mindful approach to time management.

His passion is taking the esoteric, or unknown and hidden, and making it exoteric, or known and understood. As an ex-BBC engineer, he was fascinated by the magic of television. Nowadays, he is intrigued by the magic of the mind and the hidden potential we can all tap into. His books explore what it means to be human and how we can become super-sensible.

He lives in the Surrey Hills with his life partner and dogs. His four legged companions need walking daily, which fits into his need to be inspired daily.

Connect with Tom:  Web  LinkedIn  Facebook   Twitter


Your Guide to Soul Nectar
I love mentoring women to rewrite the story of their lives through inner transformation, connection to essence, remembrance of purpose, and realignment to authenticity and truth.

If you don’t want to settle for anything less than a life of passion and purpose, I have a gift for you: a free copy of my new book, Reinvent Yourself: Indulge Your Deepest Desires By Becoming Who You Are Starving To Be! This book shares the secrets to reinvent yourself in 3 Steps!

Soul Guide. Award-Winning Author. Speaker. Mentor.

READ an Excerpt from the Award-Winning memoir, Awakening To Me.

Shift to Love with Christina Arabolis

Seven years ago, Christina Arabolis was a completely different person. When she looks at pictures of the person she used to be, she doesn’t even know who that person is. So what happened to her? She went through an awakening process that transformed her so completely from the inside out that she doesn’t wear the same clothes, do the same job, or even live in the same town. Every aspect of her life has changed…for the better.

In fact, Christina now inspires over 3 million people worldwide to shift to love as the founder and executive director of The Master Shift. In 2012, The Master Shift launched with a promotional video for their first global meditation on 12.12.12 and it sparked over 100,000 people to meditate. They had over 150 people join in forming a spiral on the beach for the last scene which was filmed by a drone. Now their global meditations are helping to raise the vibration of love on Planet Earth. Pretty awesome reason to do your personal inner work, huh?

Watch this interview for a insights into the awakening process that will help you navigate your own journey of inner transformation.

More About Christina Arabolis

Christina Arabolis is the original founder of The Master Shift, and current Board President and Executive Director.  Established in 2012, The Master Shift continues to grow as a result of her ability to connect like-minded individuals who are passionate about love/life and seek positive change.

Ms. Arabolis received a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from The State University of New York at Stony Brook and a Master’s Degree in Education from Adelphi University in New York.  She is also a Certified Health Coach having received her training at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.  She has hosted her own radio show about healthy and positive living. Christina has been a guest on numerous radio shows and has appeared on television.   She writes for the Huffington Post as well as other blog sites. She is currently working toward a Doctorate in Spiritual Studies.

Website: http://www.themastershift.com/

Connect with Christina:  Web  LinkedIn   Facebook   Twitter

Your Guide to Soul Nectar
I love mentoring women to rewrite the story of their lives through inner transformation, connection to essence, remembrance of purpose, and realignment to authenticity and truth.

If you don’t want to settle for anything less than a life of passion and purpose, I have a gift for you: a free copy of my new book, Reinvent Yourself: Indulge Your Deepest Desires By Becoming Who You Are Starving To Be! This book shares the secrets to reinvent yourself in 3 Steps!

Soul Guide. Award-Winning Author. Speaker. Mentor.

READ an Excerpt from the Award-Winning memoir, Awakening To Me.

Open Your Perspectives with Dean Griffiths

Whenever a friend needed a listening ear, Dean Griffiths was always that person who would hold supportive space. He seemed to know just what to say to turn perspectives inside out, and although he did not know it until later, he was able to do so because he is a gifted intuitive.

Now Dean is known as the Soul Whisperer. He believes that the biggest opportunities for change and growth in life come from stepping outside of our comfort zone and standing firm in the face of our fears. The unknown is the place where we’ll find the answers to the questions we’ve been asking, and that’s where he leads his clients…straight into the possibility that everything they thought was true can actually be replaced by something that is more true.

Watch this interview for a discussion about how to unleash possibilities in your life by opening your perspectives, trying on new ideas, and venturing into the void.

More About Dean Griffiths

Dean Griffiths is known as the Soul Whisperer. He is a gifted intuitive coach who has been empowering clients to live a life of purpose for over 10 years through his inner journey coaching program, and works with one simple philosophy. Your problem is not your problem, your attitude about your problem, is your problem.

Dean is also the Founder of Energy Fusion, based on over 20 years of experience in health and wellbeing industry. Energy Fusion is a content creation company that generate engaging material designed to empower users to take charge of their own health.

Connect with Dean:  Web  LinkedIn  Facebook   Twitter


Your Guide to Soul Nectar
I love mentoring women to rewrite the story of their lives through inner transformation, connection to essence, remembrance of purpose, and realignment to authenticity and truth.

If you don’t want to settle for anything less than a life of passion and purpose, I have a gift for you: a free copy of my new book, Reinvent Yourself: Indulge Your Deepest Desires By Becoming Who You Are Starving To Be! This book shares the secrets to reinvent yourself in 3 Steps!

Soul Guide. Award-Winning Author. Speaker. Mentor.

READ an Excerpt from the Award-Winning memoir, Awakening To Me.

Questions, Questions and the Illusion of No Answers with KAren Swain

From the time she was a little girl, KAren Swain was asking non-stop questions (probably about to drive her parents nuts!). She was instantly curious upon arrival about the nature of the world and how to make it do what she desired to experience. When her mother died after years of health struggles, KAren had even more questions. “Why are we here?” “What happens when we die?” “Where did we come from?”  She began a decades-long search for the answers that led her to psychics, gurus and spiritual teachers who all said her question-filled brain was getting in the way of her receiving the answers she truly sought.

Now as a Spiritual Teacher of Deliberate Creation, KAren Swain taps into Universal wisdom to help people view their lives from Soul perspective. She enlightens clients to the power of thoughts and beliefs, how they create your world and how to live in alignment with your emotional guidance system. And she guides people to realize who they truly are…one of the many faces of God.

Watch this interview for lot of laughter, fun stories of synchronicity and mystical experiences, and deep insights into the nature of ‘reality.’

More About KAren Swain

KAren Swain is a Teacher of Deliberate Creation, Empowerment Communicator, Inspirational Speaker, Spiritual Mentor & Guide, Radio Host, Author, Filmmaker, and Difference Maker enlightening you about the power of your thoughts, beliefs how to live in alignment with your emotional guidance system while educating you about how Law of Attraction is shaping your life. KAren is one of Australia’s Foremost Thought Leaders and Change Agents, Showing you the way to a Happier Healthier More Connected Life.

In her words:
“I’ve had access to exalted higher perspective all my life, able to read people’s energy fields and vibration. I know who you are, why you are here, what you fear and see your dreams. When I first started meditating in my early twenties, I would see a BIG eye staring back at me in the darkness. It was visceral, in colour and as real as looking in a mirror. I was told, this is the all-seeing all-knowing eye which has access to broader perspective. I was being shown something about myself I didn’t quite understand at the time.

It took me a long time to realise my true calling and purpose, as my curious mind was determined to discover as much as I could about life and all it had to offer. I now know I am here to activate and support the Difference Makers. People who know they’re here to make a Difference. I’m passionate about helping people who are passionate about helping people, our world and all who abide here.

I’m here to make a Difference in YOUR life and to humanity as we evolve into a new light in consciousness. I do this in a variety of ways.”

Connect with KAren:  Web  LinkedIn  Facebook   Twitter
Your Guide to Soul Nectar
I love mentoring women to rewrite the story of their lives through inner transformation, connection to essence, remembrance of purpose, and realignment to authenticity and truth.

If you don’t want to settle for anything less than a life of passion and purpose, I have a gift for you: a free copy of my new book, Reinvent Yourself: Indulge Your Deepest Desires By Becoming Who You Are Starving To Be! This book shares the secrets to reinvent yourself in 3 Steps!

Soul Guide. Award-Winning Author. Speaker. Mentor.

READ an Excerpt from the Award-Winning memoir, Awakening To Me.