I Bared My Chest with Frankie Picasso

Dozens of careers later, Frankie Picasso found her purpose in life as a Social Preneur and Champion for Change. It took a serious accident, and months in the hospital recovering, for her to slow down long enough to listen to the answers that her higher power had been trying to send her to her very heart-felt question: What do you want from me?

Sometimes those diversions and disruptions in life lead you exactly where you need to be. And for Frankie, that’s being the Founder of the Good Radio Network, a socially conscious radio platform that serves as a vehicle for social impact and change. She is also the author of NO BULL Allowed and her 3rd book, an Anthology she co-authored titled I Bared My Chest – 21 Unstoppable Women get Naked, which is tied to the IBMC Global Charity, will be released on October 25th, and is something she is insanely proud of.

In fact, I’m releasing this special bonus interview today to help celebrate the launch of this incredible project which will serve to uplift the voices of women around the planet. Each woman reads her own story, in her own voice and dialect, for the fabulous audiobook version of this collection.

Watch this interview for a fast-paced inspiring interview with a one-of-a-kind woman who believes she can change the world!

More About Frankie Picasso

Frankie Picasso is a Canadian Social Preneur, Talk Show Host, Artist and Champion for Change who has been transforming lives and influencing culture for the past 30 years. Frankie is the founder of The Good Radio Network, a socially conscious radio platform as a vehicle for social impact and change. Professionally, she is a Certified Life, Business and Master Coach Trainer, Hypnotherapist, Author, Artist,  Human Rights Activist, whose Unstoppable Brand allows her to specialize in the Impossible!

As a professional Social Impact Artist, Frankie’s paintings have been featured in the International Book of Contemporary Artists Volume 6 , and can be purchased on Fine Art America.com. For the discerning pet owner, an ‘Original Pawcasso’ custom painting of their pet makes a wonderful gift and can be ordered by going to www.frankiepaintspets.com , where each painting sold helps pays for Cleft Palate Surgery for Children, Animal Shelters, Animal Sanctuaries, and more.

Frankie was recognized as one of the “50 Great Writers you should be Reading in 2015!” for her book Midlife Mojo. She is also the author of NO BULL Allowed and her 3 rd book, an Anthology she co-authored titled I Bared My Chest-21 Unstoppable Women get Naked, which is tied to the IBMC Global
Charity, will be released on October 25 th , and is something she is insanely proud of.

Frankie was chosen as an inspiring woman by The Women Rock Project women’ and is a member of the Women’s Economic Forum * WEF and sits on their Advisory Council.

She is a Huff post contributor and a member of the Canadian Association of Journalists.

Connect with Frankie:  Web  LinkedIn   Facebook   Twitter


Your Guide to Soul Nectar
I love mentoring women to rewrite the story of their lives through inner transformation, connection to essence, remembrance of purpose, and realignment to authenticity and truth.

If you don’t want to settle for anything less than a life of passion and purpose, I have a gift for you: a free copy of my new book, Reinvent Yourself: Indulge Your Deepest Desires By Becoming Who You Are Starving To Be! This book shares the secrets to reinvent yourself in 3 Steps!

Soul Guide. Award-Winning Author. Speaker. Mentor.

READ an Excerpt from the Award-Winning memoir, Awakening To Me.

Love and Respect with HeatherAsh Amara

Learn how love and curiosity can be more powerful teachers than fear, how essence is about embracing all of life (shadows and the light), and how we can learn to love and respect ourselves by making the choice to no longer abandon ourselves in this interview with HeatherAsh Amara.

How do you introduce a teacher who taught you to love and respect yourself? HeatherAsh Amara would say that you name the feeling you’re experiencing so you can claim it in awareness. What I feel is love and gratitude for my teacher HeatherAsh. As I’m writing this (as is often the case when I tell others about her) I have crocodile tears welling up in my eyes. You should know, however, that she’s not the kind of teacher that stays on a pedestal. Nope. If you put her there, she’ll jump off it so she can be on the ground looking you squarely in the eyes.

Her first name is a combination of her birth name, Heather, and her nickname for many years, Ash. Ash came along when she first starting facilitating fire walks, and reminds her of the energy of the phoenix rising from the ashes, and the power all of us have to transform from the inside out.

She began her training with female spiritual teachers Vicki NobleCerridwen Fallingstar, and Peggy Dylan who taught her about the ancestral wisdom of women’s intuition, healing, intimacy, vulnerability among women, aligning with the cycles of the seasons, ritual, and the infinite possibility inherent in all of us. A powerful life-long mentor then appeared to her in a dream…Don Miguel Ruiz of The Four Agreements, and she started down the path that would lead to becoming a powerful agent of transformation for thousands of women with her Warrior Goddess Training book and teachings.

If you want to see us talking, you can watch the interview on Vimeo.

More About HeatherAsh
A leader in mindfulness and empowerment, HeatherAsh Amara is the author of the bestselling book Warrior Goddess Training, Become the Woman You are Meant to be and the new-release Warrior Goddess Way, Claiming the Woman you are Destined to be.

The heart of Amara’s teachings stems from her long Toltec apprenticeship and teaching partnership with Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements. After studying under Ruiz, in 2001 Amara founded Toci – The Toltec Center of Creative Intent, a non-denominational religious organization based in the wisdom of the Toltec and The Four Agreements. Over the past fifteen years she has taught workshops and apprenticeships and trained teachers. She now travels the world working with women to integrate the feminine wisdom of the ancients into their modern lives.

Since the publication of Warrior Goddess Training in September of 2014, sales of this series have exceeded 100,000 copies and the books have been translated into 15 different languages. The worldwide movement for Warrior Goddess Training has grown to include a robust, highly-engaged Facebook page with over 460,000 fans, an email list nearing 100,000, and numerous book discussion groups around the country.

Connect with HeatherAsh:  Web    Facebook   Warrior Goddess Women  Warrior Goddess Training   Warrior Goddess Tribe (private Facebook group for women only)

HeatherAsh is gifting you her Returning to Center audio which offers Visualizations, Meditations, and Tools for Reclaiming the Energy from Your Past!

Your Guide to Soul Nectar
I love mentoring women to rewrite the story of their lives through inner transformation, connection to essence, remembrance of purpose, and realignment to authenticity and truth.

If you don’t want to settle for anything less than a life of passion and purpose, I have a gift for you: a free copy of my new book, Reinvent Yourself: Indulge Your Deepest Desires By Becoming Who You Are Starving To Be! This book shares the secrets to reinvent yourself in 3 Steps!

Soul Guide. Award-Winning Author. Speaker. Mentor.

READ an Excerpt from the Award-Winning memoir, Awakening To Me.

Setting the Cobra Free with Berni Slowey

Escaping from Saigon at 4 years old didn’t set Berni Slowey free because although her mother safely reunited with her father in America, the family was haunted by the guilt of losing her younger sister who was abducted just days before. From these early beginnings, Berni tried hard to be responsible and earn the right to be the surviving child: good grades, respectable career, and the ‘right’ image.

Decades later Berni’s body gave her a loud wake up call with three miscarriages in six months. She finally realized she was living someone else’s life, and was exhausted and worn out. She quit her respectable job in banking and began tuning into her own heart. On a whim she accepted an invitation to go to India and do a documentary film for a spiritual journey…even though she had no experience doing it and had no income. Defying all logic, her film put her in the starring role when she faced a cobra that was lunging out of its basket.

Listen to this interview to be inspired to become the star in your own movie of life, and to share your story in a way that sets your inner cobra free from fear and limitation!

If you want to see us talking, watch the video on Vimeo.

RECEIVE a FREE DVD of Berni’s Journey

The retail cost of Berni’s Journey is $14.95. Soul Nectar Show viewers can receive the DVD for free using the promo code “soul nectar” and just pay $5.95 for shipping and handling. Thank you Berni!


More About Berni Slowey

Founder of Burning Journeys™ Filmmaker, Berni is a TV Personality, Public Speaker, Transformation Coach & Retreat Leader. In 2009, Bernadette Slowey took a leap of faith and followed her heart. Little did she know that the difficult transition of abruptly leaving a successful corporate career during an economic downturn would send this career-driven-professional on a quest of self discovery and ultimately, transformation.

Bernadette’s vulnerability, intimacy and openness about her journey empowers others to share their own stories. Finding that we are all connected through the human experience and have similar desires, Bernadette created Burning JourneysTM coaching and retreats to assist others as a guide on the ride for personal transformations.

Bernadette Slowey directed, produced, co-wrote and starred in the award-winning feature length documentary Berni’s Journey. Through serendipity, the film unexpectedly followed her personal transformation while she traveled with spiritual teachers through India on a quest to make a movie about difficult transitions.

The filmmaking process continued to parallel Bernadette’s life experience as she participated in the telling of her story through post-production. Bernadette realized she that not only was she the Director of the movie, but she was in fact the Director of her life. What began as a documentary project with Berni’s Journey had become a parable. Bernadette’s on-screen transformation resonated with audiences and inspired awareness of their own “burning journey” that the film became a metaphor for living life as a movie. Her passion is to partner with people to become intentional creators as the lead character of their own lives.

In addition to transformation coaching, Bernadette is a TEDx speaker and and is is one of the TV hosts of Wake Up!™, a nationally syndicated morning show. Prior to her encore career, Bernadette had a 20-year corporate career as a bank executive until the collapse of the financial industry in 2009.

Since evacuating from Saigon in 1975, Slowey has also lived in Tehran, Iran during the antiShah revolution in the late ’70’s. With some intermittent moves throughout Nebraska during her childhood, her family moved to Colorado in 1984. Slowey lives in Denver with her husband and two sons.
Connect with Berni:  Web  LinkedIn   Facebook   Twitter 


Your Guide to Soul Nectar
I love mentoring women to rewrite the story of their lives through inner transformation, connection to essence, remembrance of purpose, and realignment to authenticity and truth.

If you don’t want to settle for anything less than a life of passion and purpose, I have a gift for you: a free copy of my new book, Reinvent Yourself: Indulge Your Deepest Desires By Becoming Who You Are Starving To Be! This book shares the secrets to reinvent yourself in 3 Steps!

Soul Guide. Award-Winning Author. Speaker. Mentor.

READ an Excerpt from the Award-Winning memoir, Awakening To Me.

Menopausal Metamorphosis with Pat Duckworth

The beautiful afternoon that Pat Duckworth went walking through the park, and found herself weeping, she decided to make a hard right turn. After a lifetime of working her way up the ladder at the Public Sector in the UK, she knew her heart was calling her to follow her passions for complementary healing modalities.

Making such a huge career shift at 50 years old challenged everything Pat believed about herself, how she spoke about herself at networking meetings, and even how she dressed for business. Through this transition, Pat dug deep into her NLP training and other modalities to harvest wisdom for regaining entrepreneurial mojo which she now shares with women facing their own mid-life crises.

Watch this interview for insights into what it takes to make a hard-right turn in your life and completely reinvent yourself.

More About Pat Duckworth

Pat Duckworth is a best-selling author, therapist and international public speaker.  For over 30 years Pat worked in the Public Sector in the UK until she discovered her entrepreneurial mojo and changed her life completely. Now she specializes in helping women at midlife particularly those who are experiencing menopause symptoms.

Pat is passionate about inspiring women to get the best from their lives, no matter what their age. She has published four books including the award-winning, ‘Hot Women, Cool Solutions; How to control menopause symptoms using mind/body techniques’ and the #1 International Bestseller, ‘Hot Women Rock: How to discover your midlife entrepreneurial mojo’.

Connect with Pat:  Web  LinkedIn   Facebook   Twitter


Your Guide to Soul Nectar
I love mentoring women to rewrite the story of their lives through inner transformation, connection to essence, remembrance of purpose, and realignment to authenticity and truth.

If you don’t want to settle for anything less than a life of passion and purpose, I have a gift for you: a free copy of my new book, Reinvent Yourself: Indulge Your Deepest Desires By Becoming Who You Are Starving To Be! This book shares the secrets to reinvent yourself in 3 Steps!

Soul Guide. Award-Winning Author. Speaker. Mentor.

READ an Excerpt from the Award-Winning memoir, Awakening To Me.

Embracing Death to Live More Fully with Stephen Garrett

Most people run from death and avoid the endings at all costs. Stephen Garrettembraces Death as his wisest teacher who helps him let go of who he thinks he is, so he can become who he really is. His journey with Death started when his sister died unexpectedly at 36, and suddenly Stephen realized he was living someone else’s life as a Wall Street executive. That sparked a lifetime journey of discovery and steps deeper and deeper into the unknown with trust of God as his guiding light.

Listen to this interview for profound insights into living gracefully with one’s ego, surrendering control to God, and intentionally dying to the self you think you are every night so you can wake up in wonder and curiosity about who you are today.

If you want to see us talking, watch the video on Vimeo.

Stephen and I were talking after the interview, and he shared with me this powerful system for understanding whether your choices are coming from Fear or FreedomCreative or ReactiveHe offered to gift this teaching to you! Read the essay that explains the system, see the system overview, and view the system diagram. It’s a powerful way of assessing your choices and how you’re making them!

Claim Your Choice Wheel
Navigate Your Choice Wheel
Understand Your Choice Wheel

As promised, I invented a tool for myself to let go of my former career as a fall-back plan so that I could fully embrace my path as a spiritual guide. Here it is for you to try it too!
It’s a declaration you can keep making for yourself and the Universe. Print it out, and fill out the back doors that come into your awareness. For example, write down all the things your mind says when you make this statement: “If this doesn’t work, I can always…“.Take a red marker and draw a big bold X across the whole paper.
Read each statement and visualize the back door slamming shut.
Shake your body and imagine all the energy tied up in these back doors falling to the earth to be transmuted into clean energy for your passion business.
Post it on your wall.

Closing Your Back Doors Practice from Kerri Hummingbird

More About Stephen Garrett
When you first meet Stephen, you know you are meeting a man who lives life fully. A genuine heart and commitment to Life have produced in Stephen the qualities of a warrior: integrity, strength, leadership, kindness, and wisdom.Stephen has experienced success in life as a teacher, an investment banker, a social worker, and author. His greatest achievement though is his courage in the midst of adversity. Along with his success, Stephen has faced tremendous loss in his life, the death of his sister Jody, his father Lloyd and most recently his brother Peter. What makes Stephen as a man more profound than his many accomplishments is his choice to remain open, loving and steadfast in the midst of death, loss, and grief.Arising out of his personal experience’s of hospital deaths Stephen’s heart’s passion and life energy is focused on changing the conversation we have about death from one of fear and denial to one of embrace and inspiration. Stephen combines his life experience with his Masters in Leadership and Training, multiple diplomas in conflict resolution, mediation and communication, along with extensive grief and loss training. He trains and mentor health care providers in dealing with dying, death, and the associated environmental grief most health care providers experience.Explore Stephen’s Bringing Death Home and End of Life Guide Training Workshops

Connect with Stephen Garrett:  Web   LinkedIn   Facebook

Your Guide to Soul Nectar
I love mentoring women to rewrite the story of their lives through inner transformation, connection to essence, remembrance of purpose, and realignment to authenticity and truth.

If you don’t want to settle for anything less than a life of passion and purpose, I have a gift for you: a free copy of my new book, Reinvent Yourself: Indulge Your Deepest Desires By Becoming Who You Are Starving To Be! This book shares the secrets to reinvent yourself in 3 Steps!

Soul Guide. Award-Winning Author. Speaker. Mentor.

READ an Excerpt from the Award-Winning memoir, Awakening To Me.

Inner Peace and Wellness with Julie Hannon

I met Julie when studying at The Four Winds Light Body School to be an energy medicine practitioner. Reading the Signs of Destiny was my first encounter with Julie as a teacher, and through this class I began a deep dance with my intuition and power of prayer as we learned to see the world through the eyes of the mystic. A couple of powerful journeys with Julie to Peru later, including sleeping on Mount Ausangatay, the Holy Mountain, I am delighted Julie agreed to be part of Soul Nectar Show.

In walking the path of a shamanic practitioner, Julie lives her dream of bringing true health and the power to heal ourselves to individuals. Julie loves to teach and inspire her clients and students to connect in with their own unique drop of the divine and their essential truth. From this place of deep connection, Julie hopes to support the world’s changing consciousness, bringing peace to individuals and to our planet. Julie works with people of all ages, connecting deeply with their hearts.

Julie is Senior Faculty for Light Body School, teaching the full curriculum of classes in the Light Body School, and is Certified by the Institute of Energy Medicine to teach Dying Consciously www.dyingconsciously.org.  She holds a certification in Luminous Healing from the Light Body School and has trained extensively in the techniques of Light Body Healing, Soul Retrieval, Divination and Life/Death Rites. She holds a master’s degree in psychology from Columbia University, and an undergraduate degree in psychology from University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Listen to this interview for Julie’s insights into releasing the map of how your life should go, letting go of your sacred cows (those things you think you MUST have to be happy), and creating the space for the Universe to bring you what delights you beyond your wildest imagination.

If you want to see us talking, watch the video on Vimeo.


More About Julie Hannon
Julie Hannon is passionate about supporting her clients to discover their gifts and step into the fullest expression of themselves and their potential to heal. Her background and training in psychology, and 25+ years working in Human Resources, coupled with her yoga (YTT), shamanic, and Buddhist studies allow her to weave a rich tapestry and journey with the grace that comes in working with energy healing; facilitating peace and wellness.

Connect with Julie Hannon:  Web   LinkedIn   Facebook


Your Guide to Soul Nectar
I love mentoring women to rewrite the story of their lives through inner transformation, connection to essence, remembrance of purpose, and realignment to authenticity and truth.

If you don’t want to settle for anything less than a life of passion and purpose, I have a gift for you: a free copy of my new book, Reinvent Yourself: Indulge Your Deepest Desires By Becoming Who You Are Starving To Be! This book shares the secrets to reinvent yourself in 3 Steps!

Soul Guide. Award-Winning Author. Speaker. Mentor.

READ an Excerpt from the Award-Winning memoir, Awakening To Me.

Embrace the Darkness with Love with Shaman Durek

Shaman Durek Verrett was born a 3rd generation shaman in Northern California to an African-Haitian father and an East Indian/Norwegian mother. Within his own family he experienced the clashes in spiritual and religious belief, which led to a great deal of confusion, especially as he realized that his own intuitions and awareness were unusual.

Through the darkness, Shaman Durek allowed his heart to guide him to the truth and the light. The challenges he experienced in his life, including a month-long coma that doctors told him would leave him in a wheelchair (he rejected that idea and walks quite well today), helped him become strong in knowing himself and being a clear channel for wisdom from beyond the veil.

I felt such a powerful remembrance of Shaman Durek during this interview, and several times we just simply burst into laughter whenever we felt it. So much joy and happiness and love! Yes! It’s good to remember who you are and why you came here. And it sure is nice to know the janitorial crew is expanding to clean up all this Earth mess!

Listen to this interview for some truly radical perspective shifts that, once you hear them the way Shaman Durek speaks them, you’ll feel the truth inside your being and wake up, wake up, wake up!

If you want to see us talking, watch the video on Vimeo.


More About Shaman Durek Verrett
Based in Los Angeles, Shaman Durek works with clients from all walks of life some of which include; Hollywood celebrities and insiders, musicians, CEOs of major corporations and European royalty. Shaman Durek works with clients on a one-to-one basis as well as in group sessions. A gifted guest speaker and teacher, Shaman Durek is the author of a regular column on spiritual life in The Huffington Post, a video blog on Frontiers magazine & other reputable outlets. He is a Co-owner of Heaven & Earth NYC, a VIP invite only club for spiritual transformation. He has been profiled in Daily Candy, Details, Yogi Times, LA Weekly, Metro Source, E! television and documentaries about healing, world shamans and more.

Connect with Shaman Durek:  Web   LinkedIn   Facebook   Twitter

Share your Eyes of Love on Instagram!


Your Guide to Soul Nectar
I love mentoring women to rewrite the story of their lives through inner transformation, connection to essence, remembrance of purpose, and realignment to authenticity and truth.

If you don’t want to settle for anything less than a life of passion and purpose, I have a gift for you: a free copy of my new book, Reinvent Yourself: Indulge Your Deepest Desires By Becoming Who You Are Starving To Be! This book shares the secrets to reinvent yourself in 3 Steps!

Soul Guide. Award-Winning Author. Speaker. Mentor.

READ an Excerpt from the Award-Winning memoir, Awakening To Me.

Living as a Peace Maker with Eva Charlotte

Yearning to live her life more deeply and fully, Eva Charlotte elected to go skydiving. Eva made more than 100 jumps before the inconceivable happened; at 4,000 feet her emergency chute failed. At that moment, surrendering all desire of control, the terror of her impending death gave way to something else…PEACE.

This incredible experience helped Eva become aware that she had lived her life trapped in a bubble she could not seem to escape. When Eva met Don Miguel Ruiz (The Four Agreements) she saw a man who was living outside of his bubble, who was exuding the peace she experienced as she fell 4,000 feet from the sky, and she wanted to live peace as well. After years of intensive apprenticeship, Eva has emerged as a PeaceMaker, mentoring others to consciously bring peace into everyday situations in their lives.

Listen to this interview for some incredible insights into the “bubble” or virtual reality each of us has constructed as our “identity,” and how we can cultivate awareness that helps us step out of that identification so we can truly know ourselves as love.

If you want to see us talking, watch the video on Vimeo.

Receive free gifts from Eva Charlotte.

More About Eva Charlotte
For more than 25 years, Eva has studied and taught with healers, shamans and masters from many different traditions. Eva has traveled across the globe, visiting over 40 countries, creating, leading and participating in hundreds of events and working with thousands of individuals over the past 25 years. Facilitating deep transformation for herself and others has been her drive, her joy and her passion…

Today Eva shares her message Rise in Love, a message of authentic love of self and life, the happiness that comes from stripping away personal stories, beliefs and falsehoods that shield us from our true selves, releasing all need for mental control. She further combines her years consulting for businesses and working with executives, with her unique expertise, to create powerful programs that enhance company culture and the bottom line.

Connect with Eva Charlotte:  Web   LinkedIn   Facebook   Twitter


Your Guide to Soul Nectar
I love mentoring women to rewrite the story of their lives through inner transformation, connection to essence, remembrance of purpose, and realignment to authenticity and truth.

If you don’t want to settle for anything less than a life of passion and purpose, I have a gift for you: a free copy of my new book, Reinvent Yourself: Indulge Your Deepest Desires By Becoming Who You Are Starving To Be! This book shares the secrets to reinvent yourself in 3 Steps!

Soul Guide. Award-Winning Author. Speaker. Mentor.

READ an Excerpt from the Award-Winning memoir, Awakening To Me.

Being a Force for Good in the World with Nicola Grace

Nicola Grace knew as a child that the world was not as it appeared. She knew that time could be bent, and that our intention played a role in our experience of life. When faced with cancer in her body, Nicola got the chance to put everything she knew to the test to claim a life of purpose.

Now Nicola is on a mission to inspire social entrepreneurs around the world to clarify and monetize their life’s big mission to make a global impact and leave a legacy. She is also committed to #impact1millionlives to add social capital to her business by giving to humanitarian causes.

Watch this interview for a discussion about social responsibility, purpose-driven business, and re-intentioning money as a force of good in the world.

More About Nicola Grace


From cancer to making history saving a billion dollar industry from ruin, award winning strategist and best selling author Nicola Grace, helps Social Entrepreneurs clarify and monetize their mission so they can leave a legacy. Nicola’s Intuitive Visionary strategy skills have made her the secret weapon of politicians, business owners, social entrepreneurs, social innovators, thought leaders and an entire industry body.
As An Author, Nicola’s expert insights appear in the best seller, Ready Aim Captivate: Put Magic in Your Message and a Fortune In Your Future, along with other world leading visionaries Deepak Chopra and Jim Stovall. She features as one of the Celebrity Experts in More.Better: The World’s Leading Experts Reveal How to Get More Out of Business and Life With Better Results published by CelebrityPress and was inducted into the American Best Sellers Hall of Fame in 2013. Her signature book Discover What You Are Here To Do forms the basis of everything she teaches – that when we on mass transition from making money for the sake of money, to making money by making a bigger difference, we will accelerate the positive transformation of the world.

As An Inspirational Speaker, Nicola Grace has captivated her audiences as an entertaining performer, inspirational speaker, visionary, educator and transformation leader for 30 years. Speaking to small and large audiences from boardrooms to ballrooms Nicola brings a wealth of experience to your event as a social entrepreneur, thought leader, business owner, confident and proficient speaker, visionary, world traveler, transformation trainer, cancer survivor and business mission mentor.

As A Transformation Leader, Nicola has lead personal and professional transformation seminars around the world.  She facilitated transformative experiences for A Course In Miracles International for 3 years and now teaches her own brand of Transformation in her signature training programs – Mission Mastery and Quantum GameChanger. Her unique way of teaching Quantum Activism, using Quantum Physics to change your life, business and the world, has gained the reputation for moving a room of entrepreneurs and thought leaders into their creative power as an Infinite Being, in a relatively short period of time.

As The Mission Mentor, Nicola loves to help entrepreneurs, social innovators, thought leaders and business owners clarify their mission, and monetize it, then create a winning mission strategy with them, so their grand vision becomes a reality and they leave a legacy. For the past seven years Nicola has been quietly building her reputation as the secret weapon of many-a thought leader helping hundreds of clients transition into their life’s work and calling.

As A World Traveler, Nicola Grace is from New Zealand, lives in Australia and travels the world on a Mission to transform the way we think about what we do, so collectively we create a magnificent world. She is also an active humanitarian with a grand vision for the elevation of ALL of humanity that she would like to share with you.

As A Humanitarian, Nicola has worked relentlessly for humanitarian causes that includes United Nations NGO projects, such as youth leadership in developing nations. She founded and remains on the board of a non-profit health human rights organization, and is a lifetime member of the global ‘Buy One, Give One’ social enterprise that’s helping to grow entrepreneurship and economic sustainability in developing countries. Nicola also participates in micro loaning through Kiva having sponsored third world farmers to convert to Organic; helped African women entrepreneurs into business; South American and Indian women grow their business.

Connect with Nicola:  Web  LinkedIn   Facebook   Twitter


Your Guide to Soul Nectar
I love mentoring women to rewrite the story of their lives through inner transformation, connection to essence, remembrance of purpose, and realignment to authenticity and truth.

If you don’t want to settle for anything less than a life of passion and purpose, I have a gift for you: a free copy of my new book, Reinvent Yourself: Indulge Your Deepest Desires By Becoming Who You Are Starving To Be! This book shares the secrets to reinvent yourself in 3 Steps!

Soul Guide. Award-Winning Author. Speaker. Mentor.

READ an Excerpt from the Award-Winning memoir, Awakening To Me.

Stressed Executive to Mind Warrior with Chase Carey

In the middle of a 20-year career in Corporate America’s Health Insurance and Consulting industry, Christopher ‘Chase’ Carey got a wake up call when his stress started causing physical health issues. Through synchronicity he discovered The Monroe Institute and explored meditation in 6 week-long programs where he experienced 24/7 immersions into deep Meditative states.

Ever since Chase discovered the powerful benefits of meditation, he’s been sharing how to be a Mind Warrior all over Corporate America. 17 years after he first encouraged his employer (Aetna) to spearhead meditation in the workplace, they finally started teaching employees how to meditate. He personally developed several advanced forms of meditation including Inner Essence Meditation(TM), Professional Meditation(TM), and Stress Domino Stress Reduction Meditation(TM).

Watch this interview for insights into the dynamics that cause stress in Corporate America and how Meditation and proactive life management can pave the way to a happier existence.

More About Chase Carey

Christopher “Chase” Carey spent 20 years in Corporate America’s Health Insurance and Consulting industry, in significant positions.  In 1998, as a VP of Underwriting for Aetna, Inc., he contacted the Chief Medical Officer telling him of the benefits of Meditation and other Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) techniques.  He offered to help the company become a major force in bringing these techniques to the health insurance industry and the people it took care of.  He received a courteous reply admitting it all made sense but that he was simply “too far ahead of them.”  17 years later Aetna started teaching its employees to Meditate.

MEDITATION TRAINING. In the 1990’s his Meditation work began at The Monroe Institute in Virginia. He participated in 6 week-long programs, which are 24/7 immersions into deep Meditative states and guided exploration within them. The training enabled him to re-enter any number of Meditative states, near instantaneously, at will, anywhere, anytime, including at work while solving complex problems as a career insurance executive.  He can teach you to do this too. He also trained with Karen Malik, MA and Harvey Grady of the Center for Human Consciousness and others.

Chase teaches his personally developed Advanced forms of Meditation:  Inner Essence Meditation(TM), Professional Meditation(TM), and Stress Domino Stress Reduction Meditation(TM) and is a Certified Meditation Teacher for the Sarah’s McLean’s Simple, Easy Every Day Meditation (SEED) Method(TM).

Chase became a “whil. Certified Mindful Leader” in 2017.

Chase is the author of Chasin’ Meditation, a Professional Speaker, Corporate Trainer, Ghost Writer, Certified Reiki Master, Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner, 2nd Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo, Certified Master Scuba Diver, Tactical Firearms Enthusiast, and works as an Extra in TV and Movies (Drop Dead Diva, Necessary Roughness, Satisfaction, A&Es COMA, and more).  He received his MBA from Villanova University (where he is a Guest Lecture) and BS from Penn State University.

Connect with Chase:  Web  LinkedIn   Facebook   Twitter


Your Guide to Soul Nectar
I love mentoring women to rewrite the story of their lives through inner transformation, connection to essence, remembrance of purpose, and realignment to authenticity and truth.

If you don’t want to settle for anything less than a life of passion and purpose, I have a gift for you: a free copy of my new book, Reinvent Yourself: Indulge Your Deepest Desires By Becoming Who You Are Starving To Be! This book shares the secrets to reinvent yourself in 3 Steps!

Soul Guide. Award-Winning Author. Speaker. Mentor.

READ an Excerpt from the Award-Winning memoir, Awakening To Me.